Tuesday, February 24, 2009

OH YES, my dream came true :D:D:D:D
Yeah man.
I was praying and hoping that i will pass my D.I test yesterday night.
And guess what!
This afternoon, God answered my prayers! Whoohoo.
Received the msg from my officer that i've passed the test.
Damn happy can.

School today was damn draggy. Dont really like it.
And something which disgusted me happened.
Somebody vomited and many ppl saw it. Yuck.
Im not against that person but just hate to see ppl vomit. Cuz its damn gross.
Who will like to see ppl vomit? Duh..
Anw hope that that person will get well soon.

Can you imagine how happy i am?
Im like flying up to the sky now.....